University continuing education

Masters, diplomas, certificates and short programs for professionnals

Some testimonials

Benoit Soulié
Benoit Soulié

I highly recommend the CAS in Finance & Accounting for the quality of its content and speakers. Some professors teach Masters in Accounting and the quality of the program is recognized at European level.

David Beaucourt
David Beaucourt

At the start of the journey, major challenges arise which allow you to question yourself. It then allows you to use the right tools to manage change within your organizations.

Delphine Clavel
Delphine Clavel

I chose the program in marketing for its very relevant and comprehensive quality content, which allowed me to update my skills with more digital tools and a current strategic marketing vision, inspired by very specialized speakers.

Jessica Soland
Jessica Soland

Les intervenant.e.s sont de qualité, passionné.e.s et expert.e.s dans leur domaine. Ils et elles ont su partager des conseils directement applicables avec enthousiasme et favoriser des échanges enrichissants.

Jorge Garcia
Jorge Garcia

I chose this program because it is a blended solution that combines both technical and strategic aspects of Data Science. It was very inspiring.

Mara Pasquali
Mara Pasquali

The speakers were a real source of inspiration. Their involvement helped me take action: deciding on an appropriate marketing strategy could no longer be done without being based on data, in order to stay ahead of the competition and optimize expenses.

Philippe Ziörjen
Philippe Ziörjen

Je recommande vivement ce CAS en Marketing stratégique de grande qualité dispensé par des intervenant(es) qui savent transmettre leur matière avec passion et professionnalisme.

Virginie Debons
Virginie Debons

There was a great quality and diversity among the speakers. The mix between theory and practice was perfect.