Leadership & change changement

Short program (FC)

The "Leadership and change management" module aims to give sports managers the principles and tools of leadership, to reflect on their leadership style and personality, and to be able to handle change with their teams.

Short program (FC)
2 days spread over 1 month
From 08h30 to 17h30
650 CHF
Leadership & change changement


Discover the next sessions of our open program in leadership & change changement below. Click on the session you are interested in to obtain its full calendar.


The aim of this module is to provide participants with a better understanding of the different leadership styles of organizational leaders, with a focus on the specificities of sports organizations. It also enables each participant to reflect on his or her own leadership style through a personalized assessment.

It also tackles the issue of change management via one's own leadership style, personality and professional context. Theoretical content is complemented by numerous examples and testimonials from the world of sport, as well as practical exercises and individual reflection.

Learning objectives

  1. Know the principles and tools of sports organization leadership.
  2. Reflect on your leadership style and personality.
  3. Understand change with your teams.

Target audience

  1. Managers and employees of public sports services (municipalities, cantons, Confederation).
  2. Directors and managers of sports federations and clubs, and organizers of sporting events.
  3. Elite athletes undergoing reconversion, managers and professionals wishing to enter the sports sector.



This short program leadership & change changement was built for professionals seeking to learn about fundamental concepts and then practice them trough practical exercises. There is a strong emphasis on practical application supported by academic excellence, with the use of exercises and break-out groups, industry examples and guest speakers. The fundamental notions will be presented beforehand, then supplemented and illustrated by numerous practical exercises based on real cases .

This approach will allow the participants to deploy the concepts presented during the course as well as forging a strong analytical mindset to tackle future challenges they might face on .

Main program
Leadership & sports management
Leadership & sports management
Cette formation courte est un module de notre Certificate of advanced studies (CAS) en Leadership & sports management.
See program


admission criteria


We offer quality programs accessible to all professionals who have decided to develop new skills.


This short program requires your presence and participation

study rules

Payment terms

Price: 650 CHF

All expenses related to continuing education are, except in exceptional cases, tax deductible .

Discount (10%): -65 CHF

A discount is offered to Alumni HEC.

Payment terms

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