Strategic marketing

Certificate of advanced studies (CAS)

Identifying the right communication levers through marketing has become a necessity for every organization, so mastering its specifics is vital to raising your entrepreneurial aspirations. Modern methods complemented by a "user-centered" vision guarantee a decisive foundation.

Certificate of advanced studies (CAS)
15 days spread over 5 months
From 09h00 to 17h00
9 500 CHF
12.5 ECTS credits
Strategic marketing


Discover the next sessions of our open program in strategic marketing below. Click on the session you are interested in to obtain its full calendar.

11 September 2025
31 January 2026
Before 31 July 2025
Early bird
Before 30 April 2025


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Analysis of today's societal context leads managers to reflect on their approach to selling products or services to their target markets. In a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) economic situation, new paradigms need to be observed and assimilated. Rushed into an unprecedented interdependence between globalization, the digital age and changing mentalities, marketing is now actively positioning itself as a strategic pillar of the company.

However, the vocation of marketing remains unchanged: to achieve its objectives through an in-depth study of its environment, its competitors and its target clientele. These factors guide the strategic actions that need to be organized at several levels. Capitalizing on this accurate understanding of the market and the psychology of the user itself, you'll study the keys and tools for developing a strategy in line with your objectives. Whether B2B or B2C, analysis, targeting and communication are the key words of this program, which will open the door to unsuspected opportunities.

Learning objectives

  1. Identify your organization's expectations and formulate an effective user-targeted strategy using traditional tools.
  2. Combine the variables of the marketing mix to optimize your strategy on several levels, from research to market implementation.
  3. Take a stand on your own brand and communicate it in an exemplary and attractive way to reflect a loyalty-building image.

Target audience

  1. All managers and directors of SMEs and start-ups wishing to implement a marketing strategy adapted to today's challenges.
  2. Marketing directors and managers wishing to update their knowledge and share it with other professionals.
  3. Anyone involved in a reconversion or professional development process.


See calendars

The open program in strategic marketing is a cas designed for professionals wishing to develop new skills in parallel with their professional activity. This open program incorporates a strong participatory dimension. .

The strategic marketing program consists of 5 blocks . This represents 15 days spread over 5 months. That represents a total of 105 hours of teaching and about as many hours of personal work .

Program's blocks

Each module can be followed individually

Marketing strategy

This program provides an overview of different marketing decisions and strategies, such as market selection, entry modes, international expansion and mastering the marketing mix (price, product, promotion, placement). It uses case studies, encourages class discussion and introduces the most important tools.

Marketing strategy

Communication strategy

Every day, the Swiss are exposed to an average of 3,000 advertising/information messages. Consumers' attention spans have become extremely short. How can you make the best use of the various communication channels and adapt your message to reinforce your company's credibility?

Communication strategy

Market research

In marketing, intuition isn't always enough. Knowing how to identify relevant data, how to collect it, how to analyze it and how to "make it talk" is nowadays essential to make the best decisions and optimize your strategy in a hyper-competitive and dynamic market.

Market research


Developing a strong brand has become essential to staying competitive. Consumers have evolved, and so has their relationship with brands. But how can you build a strong brand image and strengthen awareness of your company, products or services?


Personal communication

Communication is a central concern for anyone wishing to share their ideas. Using the right tone, the right words and the right body language are all elements that influence communication with others. How can you build on your strengths and strengthen your communication skills to become a leader?

Personal communication


Philippe Ziörjen
Philippe Ziörjen
September 2020
I highly recommend this high-quality CAS in Strategic Marketing, taught by lecturers who know how to pass on their subject matter with passion and professionalism.
Tiago Meireles Da Costa
Tiago Meireles Da Costa
September 2021
The right course for all professionals wishing to update their skills and develop their approach considerably. Exciting modules delivered by highly qualified and competent professionals and lecturers.
Antille Baptiste
Antille Baptiste
September 2021
This excellent course has considerably broadened my professional horizons and provided many directly applicable tools. The passionate and highly qualified lecturers pass on their knowledge perfectly, asking students to make a major commitment which proves highly beneficial and rewarding.


admission criteria

The steering committee reserves the right to accept applications from people who do not meet the conditions below on the basis of their motivation and professional experience .

Professional experience

A minimum of 3 years of professional experience..

Academic curriculum

Hold a university degree or any type of diploma deemed equivalent by the program management .

study rules

Payment terms

Price: 9 500 CHF

All expenses related to continuing education are, except in exceptional cases, tax deductible .

Down payment : 1 500 CHF

To be paid within 7 days upon receipt of the confirmation letter of your registration .

Discount (10%): -950 CHF

A discount is offered to Alumni HEC or early bird registrations (non cumulative offer).

Payment terms

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