Organisational behaviour

Short program (FC)

The aim of this program is to deepen our understanding of human behavior within organizations. We will look at the factors that impact the behavior of individuals and groups, such as individual differences, motivation, group phenomena and leadership.

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Short program (FC)
3 days spread over 1 month
From 09h00 to 17h00
2 250 CHF
2.5 ECTS credits
Organisational behaviour


Discover the next sessions of our open program in organisational behaviour below. Click on the session you are interested in to obtain its full calendar.

Full dates
27, 28 and 29 March 2025
Before 20 February 2025
Full dates
2, 3 and 4 October 2025
Before 28 August 2025


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Organizational behavior focuses on the impact of individuals, groups and structures on human behavior within organizations, with the aim of applying this knowledge to improve organizational effectiveness. The aim of this short program is to deepen our understanding of human behavior in organizations. To do this, we will first look at individual factors such as individual differences and the values that explain behavior.

Next, we will discuss various theories of human motivation in order to understand the role and impact of a manager in creating motivating tasks for employees. We then move on to a group perspective, discussing group processes such as diversity, conformity and groupthink.

We end with an organizational perspective, discussing the different leadership styles that can improve organizational processes.

Learning objectives

  1. Develop a general and critical understanding of the key concepts of organizational behavior.
  2. Initiate introspective reflection based on personal experience to improve human skills.
  3. Structure the knowledge acquired in organizational behavior for managerial or leadership situations.

Target audience

  1. Anyone in charge of a department or team wishing to develop their human and organizational skills.
  2. Managers or future managers wishing to develop and review their leadership behaviors and practices.
  3. Managers and future managers wishing to help their teams achieve sustainable performance through a more human approach.



This short program organisational behaviour was built for professionals seeking to learn about fundamental concepts and then practice them trough practical exercises. There is a strong emphasis on practical application supported by academic excellence, with the use of exercises and break-out groups, industry examples and guest speakers. The fundamental notions will be presented beforehand, then supplemented and illustrated by numerous practical exercises based on real cases .

This approach will allow the participants to deploy the concepts presented during the course as well as forging a strong analytical mindset to tackle future challenges they might face on .

Main program
Team management
Team management
Cette formation courte est un module de notre Certificate of advanced studies (CAS) en Team management.
See program


admission criteria


We offer quality programs accessible to all professionals who have decided to develop new skills.


This short program requires your presence and participation

study rules

Payment terms

Price: 2 250 CHF

All expenses related to continuing education are, except in exceptional cases, tax deductible .

Discount (10%): -225 CHF

A discount is offered to Alumni HEC.

Payment terms

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